Thursday, 28 March 2013

Is PATRIOTIC REVERENCE an enemy generator ?

As said by Voltaire, "It is lamentable, that to be a great patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of the mankind".  This statement by a french philosopher is subtle enough for any human being to understand the meaning of patriotism.  Patriotism can be elaborated as an undoubted thought in ones mind, thinking that his country is superior to all others because you were born in it.  Patriotism is not only the respect or love towards the nation but it can also be a barbarian fight to proves ones love for the nation.  All these definitions about patriotism and patriotic reverence create a thought in my mind, i agree to the given statement that patriotic reverence for the history of nation often does more to impede than to encourage progress.

        Consider the history of any nation which was ruled by a foreign country earlier; Britishers ruled the Chinese and the Indians, if patriotism among the Chinese and Indians is awaken today, there can be a war without any conclusion, this will certainly hamper the growth and the progress of the nations.  History was meant to happen.  If we keep on thinking about the way our country was being ruled or the way our country ruled, we may get a quarrelous mindset and may also develop a blasphemous thought. There can be fights within the country itself to prove that each indivudials' thoughts are right.  Every history is manipulated at some point of time.  Without having proper knowledge and maturity a warlike behavior is developed mostly among the youth of the nation, because of patriotic reverence.

        The present technological and communication developments are making the world a small place to live.  Patriotic reverence may destroy this peace and harmony and create more enemies.  If an American decides to be a patriotic and boycott usage of foreign items,  this will hinder the growth of American society, there wont be any American participation in the world commerce.  The American trade and economics may be limited, this may impede the progress of nation.  Russia is considered as a medically developed country with good doctors.  If our patriotic reverence keeps us away from a cancer treatment which is only available in Russia, then we are obviously foolish.  Indian is a country to produce domestic products like tea, milk, etc.  These products are exported.  If the patriotism of an Indian citizen stops him from exporting these products, there wont be any Indo-forex trade.  These small trade, financial, economic reasons may spoil the relations among the countries.  Such small disputes can often lead to a big ambiguity, which may further cause cold wars among the countries.

        Patriotism or nationalism are generally love or promotion of ones religious thoughts.  This has to be done by respecting other religious views.  There is no doubt that patriotic reverence also plays a major role in the development of the country, provided that the respect to our country is without the hatred towards other nation.  Since we are born in that country, we have never faced slavery, we are being brought up in an independent nation we should be thankful to our ancestors and forefathers for their struggle for freedom.  Having respect for our mother nation is must, but i am firmly of the opinion that this respect should not create a turmoil and abstain the progress of the nation.

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