Friday, 15 March 2013

Acer Life =Easiest Life

Rustling newspaper,  hypnotic humming ceiling fan, and the crunching of a potato wafer were the only sounds he could hear in the placid library.  He was referring to the Heat Mass Transfer book.  Thermodynamic laws, certain thermal concepts were being continuously noted down by his running hand on the paper.  Keeping his mind aside, with a intention to mug up the derivation,  Kim was totally in a myopic view with the text.  Plasmodium is a malarial parasite he had learned in his high school; plasmodium can also be benign he never knew.  His head was trenching in the book, Kim was trying to relate all the thermal concepts with some  colloquial words.  Hours of reading sends only a drop in your brain; a drop is the only element which remains till the end.  Kim had a strong confidence, his reading if not beneficial, won't be a waste either.  Spending hours in some pacific place, thoughts began running over his mind.  It was now the time to deliver these thermal concepts onto someone elses brain.  It is believed that if you can't explain a thing easily, you haven't understood the thing; to comply with the statement, Kim was searching a dull brain to explain his hours of hard work.  Hard work pays they say, he never knew that his hard work will pay him such an account.  After a few lines of sound advice about the subject to his student-friend, Kim felt he was on the zenith.  He had the habit of convincing people through his words.  He felt that his convincing power and the explanation skills may transform his student-friend into a smart rock.  Kim was completely wrong.  His  dream about teaching, getting his friend at his level was a other way round plan.  Kim's friend usually a nice guy, but when it was about a competition or acquiring spoon fed knowledge his friend was on the apogee.  The only reason behind motivating Kim, learning from him, making him slog in the plethora of books, was to kill Kim's time and get Kim down at his level.  Every person on the ground always sees an ass hole on the pinnacle.  This statement was, is and will always be true.  Kim is still learning, still waiting for the hard work to pay him right.  Hope Kim out smarts his friend soon...Now Kim knows 'friend' if the best dream; can also be the worst nightmare.  He now learns plasmodium can only be benign if you allow it to trouble you, till you build your immune.

Same goes with the life.  If you want to apt a conditioning life, be sure you know the acer part well...

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